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Which to Choose: Mud-Jacking or Poly-Jacking


One issue that homeowners may face is their concrete foundation shifting or sinking. This can cause various problems with the structural integrity of the home. Sunken slabs can allow cracks to form in the foundation or allow water to seep up from underneath. 

Slabs can sink due to a loss of soil underneath them. The soil may have been washed out by water over time;the soil may also become compacted by the weight of the slab. In both cases, the support from the soil underneath the concrete slab is no longer there and causes the foundation to sink into the area where the soil was. 

There are various methods of concrete replacement,lifting, and repair which homeowners may choose that can restore or maintain the structural integrity of their homes and prevent further issues in the future. We will compare and contrast two of the most common methods that people use for restoring sunken slabs.

What Is Mud-Jacking?

One common method chosen for concrete leveling is called mud-jacking. This process involves holes being drilled through the concrete area to be lifted. Then,a cement slurry is pumped down underneath the slab. The cement slurry fills the void left by the compacted or eroded soil. The pressure also helps to lift the slab back into a proper position. The last step is to fill in the access holes with concrete.

Pros Of Mud-Jacking

This method has advantages such as:

  • Affordable, which makes it accessible to more homeowners
  • Quick repair time
  • Contractors are familiar with this process and know how to do it well 
  • The materials of the slurry are not known to have negative environmental impacts

Cons Of Mud-Jacking

Some disadvantages of this method are:

  • The slurry’s water content might cause further erosion of the soil
  • The slurry’s rough consistency makes it unable to fill the void perfectly 
  • The weight might cause soil compaction
  • The access holes for this method are larger than for other methods
  • The slurry might need replacement after some time

What Is Poly-Jacking?

A somewhat newer method people use for concrete leveling and foundation repair is called poly-jacking. This method involves making small access holes through the foundation or slab that needs to be lifted and injecting a polyurethane expanding foam into the void below. 

Initially, the foam will flow like water. As it sets, it expands and fills the spaces underneath. This expansion lifts the foundation or slab. The last step is filling the access holes to finish the repair. This method provides same day cure time.

Pros Of Poly-Jacking

People choose to use this method to repair their foundations for numerous reasons, including:

  • Lightweight material won’t cause soil compaction
  • Waterproofing 
  • Won’t be eroded or washed away 
  • Long lasting
  • Expands to fill the cavity, leaving no gaps
  • Adds strength to the soil by mixing with it

Cons Of Poly-Jacking

Reasons people might not choose this method include:

  • More costly
  • Not as widely available to consumers

Which Method Is Right For You?

Both of these methods have their good and bad points. In the end, the choice is going to vary based on personal preference, condition of the slab itself, monetary considerations, and whether your local contractors offer one or both of these services. 

It can be challenging to locate a contractor that you can trust to do quality work for you and your family. Homeowners in the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area should reach out to the team at Ground Up Foundation Repair for their foundation repair and concrete leveling needs. 

They will be able to work with you and help get your home and foundation into tip-top shape. They’ve been in the industry for 35+ years and offer a wide array of services. Their know-how translates to customer satisfaction. You can schedule a consultation with them to figure out which option will be right for you.

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