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Common Sump Pump Problems

Common Sump Pump Problems - Ground Up Foundation Repair

When looking for a home, there are many things to consider. A primary concern is whether the neighborhood is prone to flooding issues. Sump pumps help remove water from your basement when it accumulates from rainwater or melting snow. They pump water uphill away from your foundation and into an external drain system, which discharges excess water through pipes to a nearby storm sewer. Although they are beneficial, they can also experience problems that lead to more significant issues. Here are some common sump pump problems that you may encounter and how to avoid them.

Poor Puck Installations

Sump pumps are not always installed correctly. If this is the case, it will not perform its job. This might be because the pump was not appropriately set, or an improper installation of a new unit caused water to seep up through the floor or enter from another area of your property. When you experience this issue, it is essential to inspect whether your unit was installed incorrectly. It is also best to conduct any maintenance on your sump pump float switch, as this will help the machine function properly. 

Regular Power Outage

Power outages commonly occur in Nashville. Pumps rely on electricity for their power source, so if the power goes out and does not come back on quickly enough, water from rainwater or melting snow can accumulate. This can be hazardous to your property and any animals that live inside of your home. It is essential to have a backup plan for this situation. You should make sure that you invest in an uninterruptible power supply or battery backup system, so your pump with a sump pump float switch will still operate if there is a power outage. This way, water will not accumulate in your basement.

Wrong Size Pump

It is critical to pick the right size pump for your home. Suppose a pump does not have enough capacity to handle the amount of water in your basement. In that case, it will shut off from overfilling, which can be problematic for two reasons. First, if there was an issue with flooding before, this will escalate the problem. Secondly, you will have to wait for your pump to turn back on before it starts working again. This can take a few hours, depending on how long the power is out or if a significant event caused damage.

Clogged Pumps

Clogged pumps are a significant problem for homeowners as they can cause your basement to fill with water instantaneously. The clog may result from improper installation, but you also run the risk of the pump clogging if you have leaves that fall or other debris that may get caught inside. Because of this, you should regularly have your pump checked for clogs so you avoid the risk of water accumulating in your basement.

How to Troubleshoot Your Pump

Check the water level in your basement. You may need to clean out your pump or call for professional help if the water level is high. You can unblock pipes by removing any debris that might be caught in them. This includes leaves, rocks, large pieces of wood, etc. You should clean out your pump and gears by removing any excess debris. You can check for clogs by pumping water through the pipes from outside your home to see if it will drain into a nearby storm sewer. This is called a “siphon test.” You can also place a colander over the inlet of your pump and check for any blockages. If you can’t find anything, try replacing your gaskets with new ones to avoid this.

Sump Pump Services Through Ground Up

Ground Up Foundation Repair specializes in sump pump repair, installation, replacement, and battery backup systems. Contact us today to see how we can help you protect your foundation with our sump pump services. 

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